.. _Remote library interface: Remote library interface ======================== The remote library interface provides means for having test libraries on different machines than where Robot Framework itself is running, and also for implementing libraries using other languages than the natively supported Python and Java. For a test library user remote libraries look pretty much the same as any other test library, and developing test libraries using the remote library interface is also very close to creating :ref:`normal test libraries `. .. contents:: :depth: 2 :local: .. _Introduction: Introduction ------------ There are two main reasons for using the remote library API: * It is possible to have actual libraries on different machines than where Robot Framework is running. This allows interesting possibilities for distributed testing. * Test libraries can be implemented using any language that supports `XML-RPC`_ protocol. At the time of this writing `there exists ready-made remote servers`__ for Python, Java, Ruby, .NET, Clojure, Perl and node.js. The remote library interface is provided by the Remote library that is one of the `standard libraries`_. This library does not have any keywords of its own, but it works as a proxy between the core framework and keywords implemented elsewhere. The Remote library interacts with actual library implementations through remote servers, and the Remote library and servers communicate using a simple `remote protocol`_ on top of an XML-RPC channel. The high level architecture of all this is illustrated in the picture below: .. figure:: src/ExtendingRobotFramework/remote.png Robot Framework architecture with Remote library .. note:: The remote client uses Python's standard xmlrpclib__ module. It does not support custom XML-RPC extensions implemented by some XML-RPC servers. __ https://code.google.com/p/robotframework/wiki/RemoteLibrary#Available_remote_servers __ http://docs.python.org/2/library/xmlrpclib.html .. _Taking Remote library into use: Taking Remote library into use ------------------------------ .. _Importing Remote library: Importing Remote library ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Remote library needs to know the address of the remote server but otherwise importing it and using keywords that it provides is no different to how other libraries are used. If you need to use the Remote library multiple times in a test suite, or just want to give it a more descriptive name, you can import it using the `WITH NAME syntax`_. .. sourcecode:: robotframework *** Settings *** Library Remote WITH NAME Example1 Library Remote http://example.com:8080/ WITH NAME Example2 Library Remote 1 minute WITH NAME Example3 The URL used by the first example above is also the default address that the Remote library uses if no address is given. Similarly port `8270` is the port that remote servers are expected to use by default. (82 and 70 are the ASCII codes of letters `R` and `F`, respectively.) .. note:: When connecting to the local machine, it is recommended to use address `` instead of `localhost`. This avoids address resolution that can be extremely slow `at least on Windows`__. Prior to Robot Framework 2.8.4 the Remote library itself used the potentially slow `localhost` by default. .. note:: Notice that if the URI contains no path after the server address, `xmlrpclib module`__ used by the Remote library will use `/RPC2` path by default. In practice using `` is thus identical to using ``. Depending on the remote server this may or may not be a problem. No extra path is appended if the address has a path even if the path is just `/`. For example, neither `` nor `` will be modified. The last example above shows how to give a custom timeout to the Remote library as an optional second argument. The timeout is used when initially connecting to the server and if a connection accidentally closes. Timeout can be given in Robot Framework `time format`_ like `60s` or `2 minutes 10 seconds`. The default timeout is typically several minutes, but it depends on the operating system and its configuration. Notice that setting a timeout that is shorter than keyword execution time will interrupt the keyword. .. note:: Support for timeouts is a new feature in Robot Framework 2.8.6. Timeouts do not work with Python/Jython 2.5 nor with IronPython. __ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14504450/pythons-xmlrpc-extremely-slow-one-second-per-call __ https://docs.python.org/2/library/xmlrpclib.html .. _Starting and stopping remote servers: Starting and stopping remote servers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before the Remote library can be imported, the remote server providing the actual keywords must be started. If the server is started before launching the test execution, it is possible to use the normal :setting:`Library` setting like in the above example. Alternatively other keywords, for example from Process_ or `SSH ` libraries, can start the server up, but then you may need to use :ref:`Import Library keyword ` because the library is not available when the test execution starts. How a remote server can be stopped depends on how it is implemented. Typically servers support the following methods: * Regardless of the library used, remote servers should provide :name:`Stop Remote Server` keyword that can be easily used by executed tests. * Remote servers should have `stop_remote_server` method in their XML-RPC interface. * Hitting `Ctrl-C` on the console where the server is running should stop the server. * The server process can be terminated using tools provided by the operating system (e.g. ``kill``). .. note:: Servers may be configured so that users cannot stop it with :name:`Stop Remote Server` keyword or `stop_remote_server` method. .. _Supported argument and return value types: Supported argument and return value types ----------------------------------------- Because the XML-RPC protocol does not support all possible object types, the values transferred between the Remote library and remote servers must be converted to compatible types. This applies to the keyword arguments the Remote library passes to remote servers and to the return values servers give back to the Remote library. Both the Remote library and the Python remote server handle Python values according to the following rules. Other remote servers should behave similarly. * Strings, numbers and Boolean values are passed without modifications. * Python `None` is converted to an empty string. * All lists, tuples, and other iterable objects (except strings and dictionaries) are passed as lists so that their contents are converted recursively. * Dictionaries and other mappings are passed as dicts so that their keys are converted to strings and values converted to supported types recursively. * Returned dictionaries are converted to so called *dot-accessible dicts* that allow accessing keys as attributes using the `extended variable syntax`_ like `${result.key}`. This works also with nested dictionaries like `${root.child.leaf}`. * Strings containing bytes in the ASCII range that cannot be represented in XML (e.g. the null byte) are sent as `Binary objects`__ that internally use XML-RPC base64 data type. Received Binary objects are automatically converted to byte strings. * Other types are converted to strings. .. note:: Prior to Robot Framework 2.8.3, only lists, tuples, and dictionaries were handled according to the above rules. General iterables and mappings were not supported. Additionally binary support is new in Robot Framework 2.8.4 and returning dot-accessible dictionaries new in Robot Framework 2.9. __ http://docs.python.org/2/library/xmlrpclib.html#binary-objects .. _Remote protocol: Remote protocol --------------- This section explains the protocol that is used between the Remote library and remote servers. This information is mainly targeted for people who want to create new remote servers. The provided Python and Ruby servers can also be used as examples. The remote protocol is implemented on top of `XML-RPC`_, which is a simple remote procedure call protocol using XML over HTTP. Most mainstream languages (Python, Java, C, Ruby, Perl, Javascript, PHP, ...) have a support for XML-RPC either built-in or as an extension. .. _Required methods: Required methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A remote server is an XML-RPC server that must have the same methods in its public interface as the `dynamic library API`_ has. Only `get_keyword_names` and `run_keyword` are actually required, but `get_keyword_arguments` and `get_keyword_documentation` are also recommended. Notice that using camelCase format in method names is not possible currently. How the actual keywords are implemented is not relevant for the Remote library. A remote server can either act as a wrapper for real test libraries, like the provided Python and Ruby servers do, or it can implement keywords itself. Remote servers should additionally have `stop_remote_server` method in their public interface to ease stopping them. They should also automatically expose this method as :name:`Stop Remote Server` keyword to allow using it in the test data regardless of the test library. Allowing users to stop the server is not always desirable, and servers may support disabling this functionality somehow. The method, and also the exposed keyword, should return `True` or `False` depending was stopping allowed or not. That makes it possible for external tools to know did stopping the server succeed. The provided Python remote server can be used as a reference implementation. .. _Getting remote keyword names and other information: Getting remote keyword names and other information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Remote library gets a list of keywords that the remote server provides using `get_keyword_names` method. This method must return the keyword names as a list of strings. Remote servers can, and should, also implement `get_keyword_arguments` and `get_keyword_documentation` methods to provide more information about the keywords. Both of these keywords get the name of the keyword as an argument. Arguments must be returned as a list of strings in the :ref:`same format as with dynamic libraries `, and documentation must be returned :ref:`as a string `. Remote servers can also provide :ref:`general library documentation ` to be used when generating documentation with the Libdoc_ tool. .. _Executing remote keywords: Executing remote keywords ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When the Remote library wants the server to execute some keyword, it calls remote server's `run_keyword` method and passes it the keyword name, a list of arguments, and possibly a dictionary of `free keyword arguments`__. Base types can be used as arguments directly, but more complex types are `converted to supported types`__. The server must return results of the execution in a result dictionary (or map, depending on terminology) containing items explained in the following table. Notice that only the `status` entry is mandatory, others can be omitted if they are not applicable. .. table:: Entries in the remote result dictionary :class: tabular +------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Explanation | +============+=============================================================+ | status | Mandatory execution status. Either PASS or FAIL. | +------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | output | Possible output to write into the log file. Must be given | | | as a single string but can contain multiple messages and | | | different |log levels| in format `*INFO* First | | | message\n*HTML* 2nd\n*WARN* Another message`. It | | | is also possible to embed timestamps_ to the log messages | | | like `*INFO:1308435758660* Message with timestamp`. | +------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | return | Possible return value. Must be one of the `supported | | | types`__. | +------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | error | Possible error message. Used only when the execution fails. | +------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | traceback | Possible stack trace to `write into the log file`__ using | | | DEBUG level when the execution fails. | +------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | continuable| When set to `True`, or any value considered | | | `True` in Python, the occurred failure is considered | | | continuable__. New in Robot Framework 2.8.4. | +------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | fatal | Like `continuable`, but denotes that the occurred | | | failure is fatal__. Also new in Robot Framework 2.8.4. | +------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ .. |log levels| replace:: :ref:`Different argument syntaxes` __ `Supported argument and return value types`_ __ `Logging information`_ __ `Supported argument and return value types`_ __ `Reporting keyword status`_ __ `Continue on failure`_ __ `Stopping test execution gracefully`_ .. _Different argument syntaxes: Different argument syntaxes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Remote library is a `dynamic library`_, and in general it handles different argument syntaxes `according to the same rules`__ as any other dynamic library. This includes mandatory arguments, default values, varargs, as well as `named argument syntax`__. Also free keyword arguments (`**kwargs`) works mostly the `same way as with other dynamic libraries`__. First of all, the `get_keyword_arguments` must return an argument specification that contains `**kwargs` exactly like with any other dynamic library. The main difference is that remote servers' `run_keyword` method must have optional third argument that gets the kwargs specified by the user. The third argument must be optional because, for backwards-compatibility reasons, the Remote library passes kwargs to the `run_keyword` method only when they have been used in the test data. In practice `run_keyword` should look something like the following Python and Java examples, depending on how the language handles optional arguments. .. sourcecode:: python def run_keyword(name, args, kwargs=None): # ... .. sourcecode:: java public Map run_keyword(String name, List args) { // ... } public Map run_keyword(String name, List args, Map kwargs) { // ... } .. note:: Remote library supports `**kwargs` starting from Robot Framework 2.8.3. __ `Getting keyword arguments`_ __ `Named argument syntax with dynamic libraries`_ __ `Free keyword arguments with dynamic libraries`_