.. _Basic usage: Basic usage =========== .. program:: robot Robot Framework test cases are executed from the command line, and the end result is, by default, an `output file`_ in XML format and an HTML report_ and log_. After the execution, output files can be combined and otherwise `post-processed`__ with the Rebot tool. __ `Post-processing outputs`_ .. contents:: :depth: 2 :local: .. _executing test cases: .. _test execution: .. _Starting test execution: Starting test execution ----------------------- .. _Synopsis: Synopsis ~~~~~~~~ :: robot [options] data_sources python|jython|ipy -m robot [options] data_sources python|jython|ipy path/to/robot/ [options] data_sources java -jar robotframework.jar [options] data_sources Test execution is normally started using the ``robot`` `runner script`_. Alternatively it is possible to execute the installed `robot module`__ or `robot directory`__ directly using the selected interpreter. The final alternative is using the `standalone JAR distribution`_. .. note:: Versions prior to Robot Framework 3.0 did not have the ``robot`` script. Instead they had ``pybot``, ``jybot`` and ``ipybot`` scripts that executed tests using Python, Jython and IronPython, respectively. These scripts are still installed, but the plan is to deprecate and remove them in the future. Regardless of execution approach, the path (or paths) to the test data to be executed is given as an argument after the command. Additionally, different command line options can be used to alter the test execution or generated outputs in many ways. __ `Executing installed robot module`_ __ `Executing installed robot directory`_ .. _Specifying test data to be executed: Specifying test data to be executed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Robot Framework test cases are created in files__ and directories__, and they are executed by giving the path to the file or directory in question to the selected runner script. The path can be absolute or, more commonly, relative to the directory where tests are executed from. The given file or directory creates the top-level test suite, which gets its name, unless overridden with the :option:`--name` option__, from the `file or directory name`__. Different execution possibilities are illustrated in the examples below. Note that in these examples, as well as in other examples in this section, only the ``robot`` script is used, but other execution approaches could be used similarly. __ `Test case files`_ __ `Test suite directories`_ __ `Setting the name`_ __ `Test suite name and documentation`_ :: robot tests.robot robot path/to/my_tests/ robot c:\robot\tests.robot It is also possible to give paths to several test case files or directories at once, separated with spaces. In this case, Robot Framework creates the top-level test suite automatically, and the specified files and directories become its child test suites. The name of the created test suite is got from child suite names by catenating them together with an ampersand (&) and spaces. For example, the name of the top-level suite in the first example below is :name:`My Tests & Your Tests`. These automatically created names are often quite long and complicated. In most cases, it is thus better to use the :option:`--name` option for overriding it, as in the second example below:: robot my_tests.robot your_tests.robot robot --name Example path/to/tests/pattern_*.robot .. _Using command line options: Using command line options -------------------------- Robot Framework provides a number of command line options that can be used to control how test cases are executed and what outputs are generated. This section explains the option syntax, and what options actually exist. How they can be used is discussed elsewhere in this chapter. .. _Using options: Using options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When options are used, they must always be given between the runner script and the data sources. For example:: robot -L debug my_tests.robot robot --include smoke --variable HOST: path/to/tests/ .. _Short and long options: Short and long options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Options always have a long name, such as :option:`--name`, and the most frequently needed options also have a short name, such as :option:`-N`. In addition to that, long options can be shortened as long as they are unique. For example, `--logle DEBUG` works, while `--lo log.html` does not, because the former matches only :option:`--loglevel`, but the latter matches several options. Short and shortened options are practical when executing test cases manually, but long options are recommended in `start-up scripts`_, because they are easier to understand. The long option format is case-insensitive, which facilitates writing option names in an easy-to-read format. For example, :option:`--SuiteStatLevel` is equivalent to, but easier to read than :option:`--suitestatlevel`. .. _Setting option values: Setting option values ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most of the options require a value, which is given after the option name. Both short and long options accept the value separated from the option name with a space, as in `--include tag` or `-i tag`. With long options, the separator can also be the equals sign, for example `--include=tag`, and with short options the separator can be omitted, as in `-itag`. Some options can be specified several times. For example, `--variable VAR1:value --variable VAR2:another` sets two variables. If the options that take only one value are used several times, the value given last is effective. .. _Disabling options accepting no values: Disabling options accepting no values ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Options accepting no values can be disabled by using the same option again with `no` prefix added or dropped. The last option has precedence regardless of how many times options are used. For example, `--dryrun --dryrun --nodryrun --nostatusrc --statusrc` would not activate the dry-run mode and would return normal status rc. .. note:: Support for adding or dropping `no` prefix is a new feature in Robot Framework 2.9. In earlier versions options accepting no values could be disabled by using the exact same option again. .. _simple pattern: .. _Simple patterns: Simple patterns ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Many command line options take arguments as *simple patterns*. These `glob-like patterns`__ are matched according to the following rules: - `*` is a wildcard matching any string, even an empty string. - `?` is a wildcard matching any single character. - Unless noted otherwise, pattern matching is case, space, and underscore insensitive. Examples:: --test Example* # Matches tests with name starting 'Example', case insensitively. --include f?? # Matches tests with a tag that starts with 'f' or 'F' and is three characters long. __ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glob_(programming) .. _Tag patterns: Tag patterns ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most tag related options accept arguments as *tag patterns*. They have all the same characteristics as `simple patterns`_, but they also support `AND`, `OR` and `NOT` operators explained below. These operators can be used for combining two or more individual tags or patterns together. `AND` or `&` The whole pattern matches if all individual patterns match. `AND` and `&` are equivalent:: --include fooANDbar # Matches tests containing tags 'foo' and 'bar'. --exclude xx&yy&zz # Matches tests containing tags 'xx', 'yy', and 'zz'. `OR` The whole pattern matches if any individual pattern matches:: --include fooORbar # Matches tests containing either tag 'foo' or tag 'bar'. --exclude xxORyyORzz # Matches tests containing any of tags 'xx', 'yy', or 'zz'. `NOT` The whole pattern matches if the pattern on the left side matches but the one on the right side does not. If used multiple times, none of the patterns after the first `NOT` must not match:: --include fooNOTbar # Matches tests containing tag 'foo' but not tag 'bar'. --exclude xxNOTyyNOTzz # Matches tests containing tag 'xx' but not tag 'yy' or tag 'zz'. Starting from Robot Framework 2.9 the pattern can also start with `NOT` in which case the pattern matches if the pattern after `NOT` does not match:: --include NOTfoo # Matches tests not containing tag 'foo' --include NOTfooANDbar # Matches tests not containing tags 'foo' and 'bar' The above operators can also be used together. The operator precedence, from highest to lowest, is `AND`, `OR` and `NOT`:: --include xANDyORz # Matches tests containing either tags 'x' and 'y', or tag 'z'. --include xORyNOTz # Matches tests containing either tag 'x' or 'y', but not tag 'z'. --include xNOTyANDz # Matches tests containing tag 'x', but not tags 'y' and 'z'. Although tag matching itself is case-insensitive, all operators are case-sensitive and must be written with upper case letters. If tags themselves happen to contain upper case `AND`, `OR` or `NOT`, they need to specified using lower case letters to avoid accidental operator usage:: --include port # Matches tests containing tag 'port', case-insensitively --include PORT # Matches tests containing tag 'P' or 'T', case-insensitively --exclude handoverORportNOTnotification .. note:: `OR` operator is new in Robot Framework 2.8.4. .. _ROBOT_OPTIONS and REBOT_OPTIONS environment variables: ``ROBOT_OPTIONS`` and ``REBOT_OPTIONS`` environment variables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Environment variables ``ROBOT_OPTIONS`` and ``REBOT_OPTIONS`` can be used to specify default options for `test execution`_ and `result post-processing`__, respectively. The options and their values must be defined as a space separated list and they are placed in front of any explicit options on the command line. The main use case for these environment variables is setting global default values for certain options to avoid the need to repeat them every time tests are run or Rebot used. .. sourcecode:: bash export ROBOT_OPTIONS="--critical regression --tagdoc 'mytag:Example doc with spaces'" robot tests.robot export REBOT_OPTIONS="--reportbackground green:yellow:red" rebot --name example output.xml .. note:: Support for ``ROBOT_OPTIONS`` and ``REBOT_OPTIONS`` environment variables was added in Robot Framework 2.8.2. Possibility to have spaces in values by surrounding them in quotes is new in Robot Framework 2.9.2. __ `Post-processing outputs`_ .. _Test results: Test results ------------ .. _Command line output: Command line output ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The most visible output from test execution is the output displayed in the command line. All executed test suites and test cases, as well as their statuses, are shown there in real time. The example below shows the output from executing a simple test suite with only two test cases:: ============================================================================== Example test suite ============================================================================== First test :: Possible test documentation | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Second test | FAIL | Error message is displayed here ============================================================================== Example test suite | FAIL | 2 critical tests, 1 passed, 1 failed 2 tests total, 1 passed, 1 failed ============================================================================== Output: /path/to/output.xml Report: /path/to/report.html Log: /path/to/log.html Starting from Robot Framework 2.7, there is also a notification on the console whenever a top-level keyword in a test case ends. A green dot is used if a keyword passes and a red F if it fails. These markers are written to the end of line and they are overwritten by the test status when the test itself ends. Writing the markers is disabled if console output is redirected to a file. .. _Generated output files: Generated output files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The command line output is very limited, and separate output files are normally needed for investigating the test results. As the example above shows, three output files are generated by default. The first one is in XML format and contains all the information about test execution. The second is a higher-level report and the third is a more detailed log file. These files and other possible output files are discussed in more detail in the section `Different output files`_. .. _return code: .. _Return codes: Return codes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Runner scripts communicate the overall test execution status to the system running them using return codes. When the execution starts successfully and no `critical test`_ fail, the return code is zero. All possible return codes are explained in the table below. .. table:: Possible return codes :class: tabular ======== ========================================== RC Explanation ======== ========================================== 0 All critical tests passed. 1-249 Returned number of critical tests failed. 250 250 or more critical failures. 251 Help or version information printed. 252 Invalid test data or command line options. 253 Test execution stopped by user. 255 Unexpected internal error. ======== ========================================== Return codes should always be easily available after the execution, which makes it easy to automatically determine the overall execution status. For example, in bash shell the return code is in special variable `$?`, and in Windows it is in `%ERRORLEVEL%` variable. If you use some external tool for running tests, consult its documentation for how to get the return code. The return code can be set to 0 even if there are critical failures using the :option:`--NoStatusRC` command line option. This might be useful, for example, in continuous integration servers where post-processing of results is needed before the overall status of test execution can be determined. .. note:: Same return codes are also used with Rebot_. .. _execution errors: .. _Errors and warnings during execution: Errors and warnings during execution ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ During the test execution there can be unexpected problems like failing to import a library or a resource file or a keyword being deprecated__. Depending on the severity such problems are categorized as errors or warnings and they are written into the console (using the standard error stream), shown on a separate *Test Execution Errors* section in log files, and also written into Robot Framework's own `system log`_. Normally these errors and warnings are generated by Robot Framework itself, but libraries can also log `errors and warnings`_. Example below illustrates how errors and warnings look like in the log file. .. raw:: html
20090322 19:58:42.528 ERROR Error in file '/home/robot/tests.robot' in table 'Setting' in element on row 2: Resource file 'resource.robot' does not exist
20090322 19:58:43.931 WARN Keyword 'SomeLibrary.Example Keyword' is deprecated. Use keyword `Other Keyword` instead.
__ `Deprecating keywords`_ .. _Escaping complicated characters: Escaping complicated characters ------------------------------- Because spaces are used for separating options from each other, it is problematic to use them in option values. Some options, such as :option:`--name`, automatically convert underscores to spaces, but with others spaces must be escaped. Additionally, many special characters are complicated to use on the command line. Because escaping complicated characters with a backslash or quoting the values does not always work too well, Robot Framework has its own generic escaping mechanism. Another possibility is using `argument files`_ where options can be specified in the plain text format. Both of these mechanisms work when executing tests and when post-processing outputs, and also some of the external supporting tools have the same or similar capabilities. In Robot Framework's command line escaping mechanism, problematic characters are escaped with freely selected text. The command line option to use is :option:`--escape (-E)`, which takes an argument in the format `what:with`, where `what` is the name of the character to escape and `with` is the string to escape it with. Characters that can be escaped are listed in the table below: .. table:: Available escapes :class: tabular ========= ============= ========= ============= Character Name to use Character Name to use ========= ============= ========= ============= & amp ( paren1 ' apos ) paren2 @ at % percent \\ bslash \| pipe : colon ? quest , comma " quot { curly1 ; semic } curly2 / slash $ dollar \ space ! exclam [ square1 > gt ] square2 # hash \* star < lt \ \ ========= ============= ========= ============= The following examples make the syntax more clear. In the first example, the metadata `X` gets the value `Value with spaces`, and in the second example variable `${VAR}` is assigned to `"Hello, world!"`:: --escape space:_ --metadata X:Value_with_spaces -E space:SP -E quot:QU -E comma:CO -E exclam:EX -v VAR:QUHelloCOSPworldEXQU Note that all the given command line arguments, including paths to test data, are escaped. Escape character sequences thus need to be selected carefully. .. _Argument files: Argument files -------------- Argument files allow placing all or some command line options and arguments into an external file where they will be read. This avoids the problems with characters that are problematic on the command line. If lot of options or arguments are needed, argument files also prevent the command that is used on the command line growing too long. Argument files are taken into use with :option:`--argumentfile (-A)` option along with possible other command line options. .. _Argument file syntax: Argument file syntax ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Argument files can contain both command line options and paths to the test data, one option or data source per line. Both short and long options are supported, but the latter are recommended because they are easier to understand. Argument files can contain any characters without escaping, but spaces in the beginning and end of lines are ignored. Additionally, empty lines and lines starting with a hash mark (#) are ignored:: --doc This is an example (where "special characters" are ok!) --metadata X:Value with spaces --variable VAR:Hello, world! # This is a comment path/to/my/tests In the above example the separator between options and their values is a single space. In Robot Framework 2.7.6 and newer it is possible to use either an equal sign (=) or any number of spaces. As an example, the following three lines are identical:: --name An Example --name=An Example --name An Example If argument files contain non-ASCII characters, they must be saved using UTF-8 encoding. .. _Using argument files: Using argument files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Argument files can be used either alone so that they contain all the options and paths to the test data, or along with other options and paths. When an argument file is used with other arguments, its contents are placed into the original list of arguments to the same place where the argument file option was. This means that options in argument files can override options before it, and its options can be overridden by options after it. It is possible to use :option:`--argumentfile` option multiple times or even recursively:: robot --argumentfile all_arguments.robot robot --name Example --argumentfile other_options_and_paths.robot robot --argumentfile default_options.txt --name Example my_tests.robot robot -A first.txt -A second.txt -A third.txt tests.robot .. _Reading argument files from standard input: Reading argument files from standard input ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special argument file name `STDIN` can be used to read arguments from the standard input stream instead of a file. This can be useful when generating arguments with a script:: generate_arguments.sh | robot --argumentfile STDIN generate_arguments.sh | robot --name Example --argumentfile STDIN tests.robot .. _Getting help and version information: Getting help and version information ------------------------------------ Both when executing test cases and when post-processing outputs, it is possible to get command line help with the option :option:`--help (-h)`. These help texts have a short general overview and briefly explain the available command line options. All runner scripts also support getting the version information with the option :option:`--version`. This information also contains Python or Jython version and the platform type:: $ robot --version Robot Framework 3.0 (Jython 2.7.0 on java1.7.0_45) C:\>rebot --version Rebot 3.0 (Python 2.7.10 on win32) .. _start-up script: .. _start-up scripts: .. _Creating start-up scripts: Creating start-up scripts ------------------------- Test cases are often executed automatically by a continuous integration system or some other mechanism. In such cases, there is a need to have a script for starting the test execution, and possibly also for post-processing outputs somehow. Similar scripts are also useful when running tests manually, especially if a large number of command line options are needed or setting up the test environment is complicated. In UNIX-like environments, shell scripts provide a simple but powerful mechanism for creating custom start-up scripts. Windows batch files can also be used, but they are more limited and often also more complicated. A platform-independent alternative is using Python or some other high-level programming language. Regardless of the language, it is recommended that long option names are used, because they are easier to understand than the short names. In the first examples, the same web tests are executed with different browsers and the results combined afterwards. This is easy with shell scripts, as practically you just list the needed commands one after another: .. sourcecode:: bash #!/bin/bash robot --variable BROWSER:Firefox --name Firefox --log none --report none --output out/fx.xml login robot --variable BROWSER:IE --name IE --log none --report none --output out/ie.xml login rebot --name Login --outputdir out --output login.xml out/fx.xml out/ie.xml Implementing the above example with Windows batch files is not very complicated, either. The most important thing to remember is that because ``robot`` and ``rebot`` scripts are implemented as batch files on Windows, ``call`` must be used when running them from another batch file. Otherwise execution would end when the first batch file is finished. .. sourcecode:: bat @echo off call robot --variable BROWSER:Firefox --name Firefox --log none --report none --output out\fx.xml login call robot --variable BROWSER:IE --name IE --log none --report none --output out\ie.xml login call rebot --name Login --outputdir out --output login.xml out\fx.xml out\ie.xml In the next examples, jar files under the :file:`lib` directory are put into ``CLASSPATH`` before starting the test execution. In these examples, start-up scripts require that paths to the executed test data are given as arguments. It is also possible to use command line options freely, even though some options have already been set in the script. All this is relatively straight-forward using bash: .. sourcecode:: bash #!/bin/bash cp=. for jar in lib/*.jar; do cp=$cp:$jar done export CLASSPATH=$cp robot --ouputdir /tmp/logs --suitestatlevel 2 $* Implementing this using Windows batch files is slightly more complicated. The difficult part is setting the variable containing the needed JARs inside a For loop, because, for some reason, that is not possible without a helper function. .. sourcecode:: bat @echo off set CP=. for %%jar in (lib\*.jar) do ( call :set_cp %%jar ) set CLASSPATH=%CP% robot --ouputdir c:\temp\logs --suitestatlevel 2 %* goto :eof :: Helper for setting variables inside a for loop :set_cp set CP=%CP%;%1 goto :eof .. _Modifying Java startup parameters: Modifying Java startup parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sometimes when using Jython there is need to alter the Java startup parameters. The most common use case is increasing the JVM maximum memory size as the default value may not be enough for creating reports and logs when outputs are very big. There are two easy ways to configure JVM options: 1. Set ``JYTHON_OPTS`` environment variable. This can be done permanently in operating system level or per execution in a custom start-up script. 2. Pass the needed Java parameters with :option:`-J` option to Jython that will pass them forward to Java. This is especially easy when `executing installed robot module`_ directly:: jython -J-Xmx1024m -m robot tests.robot .. _Debugging problems: Debugging problems ------------------ A test case can fail because the system under test does not work correctly, in which case the test has found a bug, or because the test itself is buggy. The error message explaining the failure is shown on the `command line output`_ and in the `report file`_, and sometimes the error message alone is enough to pinpoint the problem. More often that not, however, `log files`_ are needed because they have also other log messages and they show which keyword actually failed. When a failure is caused by the tested application, the error message and log messages ought to be enough to understand what caused it. If that is not the case, the test library does not provide `enough information`__ and needs to be enhanced. In this situation running the same test manually, if possible, may also reveal more information about the issue. Failures caused by test cases themselves or by keywords they use can sometimes be hard to debug. If the error message, for example, tells that a keyword is used with wrong number of arguments fixing the problem is obviously easy, but if a keyword is missing or fails in unexpected way finding the root cause can be harder. The first place to look for more information is the `execution errors`_ section in the log file. For example, an error about a failed test library import may well explain why a test has failed due to a missing keyword. If the log file does not provide enough information by default, it is possible to execute tests with a lower `log level`_. For example tracebacks showing where in the code the failure occurred are logged using the `DEBUG` level, and this information is invaluable when the problem is in an individual library keyword. Logged tracebacks do not contain information about methods inside Robot Framework itself. If you suspect an error is caused by a bug in the framework, you can enable showing internal traces by setting environment variable ``ROBOT_INTERNAL_TRACES`` to any non-empty value. This functionality is new in Robot Framework 2.9.2. If the log file still does not have enough information, it is a good idea to enable the syslog_ and see what information it provides. It is also possible to add some keywords to the test cases to see what is going on. Especially BuiltIn_ keywords :name:`Log` and :name:`Log Variables` are useful. If nothing else works, it is always possible to search help from `mailing lists`_ or elsewhere. __ `Communicating with Robot Framework`_ .. _Using the Python debugger (pdb): Using the Python debugger (pdb) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is also possible to use the pdb__ module from the Python standard library to set a break point and interactively debug a running test. The typical way of invoking pdb by inserting .. sourcecode:: python import pdb; pdb.set_trace() at the location you want to break into debugger will not work correctly with Robot Framework, though, as the standard output stream is redirected during keyword execution. Instead, you can use the following: .. sourcecode:: python import sys, pdb; pdb.Pdb(stdout=sys.__stdout__).set_trace() __ http://docs.python.org/2/library/pdb.html